On Thursday December 8, 2006, the debate on the “National Health Insurance Scheme (NHI)” begun in the Bahamas, and our Prime Minister, HON Perry G. Christie led the way, and emotionally charged, was he. Charged because “Bahamians young and old are dieing because they lack the resources they need for good health” he said. As I watched and listened to what was said, I was amazed! Amazed that our government said; they had wide consultation with a large cross-section of different groups and institutions. Two out of the many were our Doctors, and our Church Leaders! Surly Friends, if our Doctors and our Ministers of the gospel had told our government the truth about what is truly going on, THEY would not have come to the conclusion that the only thing can help US is the NHI plan. In fact, our Doctors should know that the greatest healer to ever walk the earth is JESUS, and not them. So great was HE that HE healed all that He came in contact with, for free! He even raised the dead! But if our Doctors did-not tell them, surely our Ministers should have! But even if our Doctors don’t know what the Bible said about the earthly ministry of JESUS, and HIS healing work, surely then, the Doctors should have told our government the truth, which is, people are not dying for a lack of money, but, because they are eating, drinking, and living as they please. As I listen to all that was said so-far, one thing continues to be missing “NO-ONE, CONSULTED GOD!” Not even the Church! Could it be friends, the Ministers of the gospel are spiritually embarrassed? We are a Christian Nation, they say! Well if that is true, then why is the word of GOD not being fulfilled here? For the Bible tells US: “And when he (JESUS) had called unto [him] his twelve disciples, he gave them POWER [against] unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to HEAL all manner of SICKNESS and all manner of DISEASES.” MATTHEW 10:1. The text is indeed, power-packed! But sadly, many are sickly and ready to die, and some have even died! Why? Ministers of the gospel are teaching lies! For example, a few months ago, one of our beloved Pastors was on the radio preaching that ‘all meats are now clean!’ How sad! He used the New International Version to build his case, which said: “…I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean.” ROM 14:14. NO-FOOD IS-UNCLEAN! Friends, only a surface reader will believe you can eat ANYTHING! If you were given a rat, cat, or dog to eat would you eat it? Oh-NO, You-say! How about some PIG? Oh-yes! Well Friends, if you can eat the PIG, surly you can eat the others! In fact “…eating swine's (PIG) flesh…” will cause GOD to burn US with fire! IS 66:15-17. So then, what was the apostle Paul trying to say, if he was not talking about ‘food!’ He was telling US about two great principles, which if understood, will have the world ‘walking by faith and not by sight,’ the Principle of, “Righteousness By-Works vs. Righteousness By-faith!” Sadly, three of the members of this Pastor’s church has suffered a heart-attack, two are in their graves awaiting the ‘resurrection’ and One is trying to heal from his heart-attack, and his healing, and that WE-ALL will understand, to eat GOD’S way, will help US not to be SICK, even unto death! The Prime Minister also said: “the government will also make a stronger push to advocate ‘healthier living’ for Bahamians.” Well friends, ‘healthier living’ doesn’t come by talking! But, by a change in our lifestyle-choices! But, you can rest assure that the devil will do all in his power to stop US from making that choice! Why? The Devil knows that it was not ‘flesh and blood’ that penned the words: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be IN HEALTH, even as thy soul prospereth” But, holy men of GOD. 3 JOHN 2. But, are we truly ready too die to self; that JESUS may live HIS life out through US? The time is here, and the time is now, that WE stop ‘digging our graves; with our teeth! According to the Prime Minister, while the debate rages, many Bahamians are dying. In other words, if we stop talking, and let the NHI get started, people will stop dying! Is that so? No friends, if we will start living right, we will indeed die right!!! Friends I tell you the truth, the time as come for US to stop treating the ‘Bible as a buffet,’ for in it lies the keys to a healthy LIFE!
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