IITimothy 3:1-7
Know this, in the last days there will be very difficult times. People will love themselves only, and their money. They shall be boastful, proud, and scoffing at God. Disobedient to parents, ungrateful. Nothing will be sacred. They will be unloving, unforgiving, slandering others, and having no self control: cruel, and have no interest in what is good. Betraying their friends, reckless, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasure, rather than God. They will act as if they are religious, but deny the power thereof, turn away from people like that. They win the confidence of vulnerable women, who are burdened with guilt of sin, these women forever follow new teachings, but never learn the truth.
(New living Translation)
The war between good and evil continues, times will become worse. It behooves us, as we study the bible, to compare its prophecies with unfolding events in the news.
This earth is at the point of climax, and for who are truly God's children there is cause for alarm, but not fear. God's mercy has been trifled with far too long. Christ declares, "As it was in the days of Lot,... so shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." Luke 17:28,30.
Just as God sent forth a message to Noah, Lot, and to His disciples before Jerusalem was destroyed: so it is in the last days. He's again sounding forth the message of destruction to this earth, and it's wicked inhabitants. Like Lot, there are many corrupting influences about us, that will have an effect upon us, and our children. We look more to moral and social influences that will surround us, and our families. We seek to secure greater prosperity, and there is an atmosphere of lax morality, our children are surrounded by temptations, and form associations that are unfavorable. People are marrying, and given in marriages.The heritage that God has promised His people is not in this world.
Before the earth's destruction the call is given from heaven, "Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues." Rev. 18:4. As we draw nearer to this earth's destruction, the people who are called by God's name, are steady dreaming of prosperity and pleasure. There can be no 'compromise' between God and the world. "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matt. 6:24.
In closing, I send out a call. Let us not become idle about our salvation, and that of others.
Satan lies in ambush, ready to destroy those who are unguarded. Satan is most successful when he comes to us in our idle hours. It's now time to wake out of sleep. Are we really about the Father's business? Or are we in our comfort zone, and nothing in the media, or society, affects us? We say:"Jesus is soon to come", but do our lives really reflect that? Do we really have our eyes upon Jesus, so that the things of this world have gone strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace? With our eyes turned towards Jesus, our hearts would be so full of love for Him, so much so that, motives, our actions, would be all about Jesus. There will be no 'starless crowns' in Heaven. If Jesus is in our hearts, then we will ever be seeking that city which Abraham looked for, "Whose builder and maker is God."
CNN Headline News - 03/14/06
This page presents the 10 most popular stories on the CNN.com home page. It is updated every 20 minutes.
>Mounting body
counts in bloody Baghdad - 86
bodies found. Count continues to raise.
>Wildfires destroy nearly 700,000 acres
in Texas - Death toll now 11. 2000 people ordered out of their
>100 twisters touch down in 5 states
- from Oklahoma to Illinois.
>Miss Deaf Texas struck by train, killed
>3 Missing at sea -
Rhode Island students leaving a party.
>Government wants to know what your
looking at on the Internet. Google subpoenaed by Federal
>Son still hoping for fugitive father's
>MP3 player -
causing hearing loss in teenagers.
>Runaway badge - to hit
bridge in Maryland north of Chesapeake Bay.
>Twenty kids, eleven moms, one dad -
Eleven women having children with the same man....not through
polygamy or promiscuity, but through the modern marvel of reproductive science.
>Satellite closes in on Noah's Ark
mystery - But whether the anomaly is some geological quirk of
nature, playful shadows, a human-made structure of some sort, or simply nothing
at all remains to be seen.
>Millionaire faces death penalty
- convicted of hiring a hit man to kill his socialite wife.
>Expert conducts 2nd autopsy in boot
camp death - on a teenager who died after he was punched and
kicked by guards at a juvenile boot camp.
>Anti-gay boycott Ford Motor Co.
- saying the automaker had reneged on a pledge to drop its advertising in gay
publications and support of gay rights groups.
>Mad cow disease found in Alabama
-Officials say animal had not entered food supply.
>Bird Flu on Its Way: Scientists Believe Infected Birds Could Hit Alaska in Three Weeks. Then to the rest of the United States.
We who are in Christ will fear not, when we see all these happening. For if we love God, then there is no fear. IJohn 4:18 "There is no fear in love; but perfect love cases out all fear: fear has torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."
IITimothy 1:7 God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
The bible says; "When you see all these things begin to happen, look up, lift up head, your redemption draws neigh." Luke 21:28.
Are we prepared for the pending doom, that is now upon us?
CONTACT KEFFIE A, AT:- keffieb@aol
P.O.BOX 656
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PH. 903-565-4062
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