Today, as we continue to dig into the topic “DRESSED, R U?” we must stop once again, and ask for the “SPIRIT of GOD” to fall on us. Why? The bible tells US: when HE, the Spirit of truth, is come, HE will guide you {and I} into all truth…” JOHN 16:13. AMEN! Because, if there was-ever a time, WE needed to know the truth about “DRESS” it’s now! When we look at the “DRESS CODE” of most our, Church Pastors, Church Leaders, Church Members, World Leaders, Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Old People, Young People, Girls and Boys, it should remind US of what JESUS said when HE was here, when HE said: “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.” LUKE 17:26. How was it, in the days of Noah? “God saw that the wickedness of the men {and women} {in Noah’s day} [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts [was] only evil continually.” GENESIS 6:5 Surly, if we want to be honest, we can say that our “DRESS CODE” is becoming more, and more, wicked. When we see more than 90% of the worlds, Men and Women, Old and Young, Boys and Girls Stand guilty before the GOD of HEAVEN, base on the way they “DRESS.” But you say that’s not true, 90% of the people in the world do-not stand guilty based on the way they DRESS. Are you sure? Here’s how it work’s, if you and I are not “DRESSING” according to GOD’S standard then WE are guilty. And what’s GOD standard? GOD made Adam and Eve: “coats of skins, and clothed them”. GENESIS 3:21. In other words, the clothes that GOD made for Adam and Eve was, long enough, wide enough and loose enough, so all that needed to be covered up, was covered up! AMEN! But not today, when Women are asked; why do they “DRESS” the way they do? They say; it’s to “HOT” to be “Covered Up.” Satan, knowing this; that the women of today are “HOT” and wishing they could once again walk naked; like Adam and Eve. But Satan knows that it’s against the law of the land to “walk naked” so what does He do? Satan don’t offer the Women of today the “forbidden fruit” but, the “forbidden clothing.” Then Satan tells the women like He told Eve, GOD knows that you are “HOT” and if you DRESS the way you want-too “you won’t die,” surely GOD will understand why you are wearing, the pom-pom shorts, the tube-tops, the mini-skirt, the mini-dress, the back-out dress, the high-split dress, the low-cut dress, the short-pants, and what ever else you want to wear. After all, says Satan, these clothes are “pleasant to the eyes,” and are designed “to make [one] wise” and “sexy, right?” And all the Women, that are following Satan bid-dens say, Amen Satan! The saddest part about these clothing listed above is, the Women in the church are running side by side wearing them, with the Women in the World. There was a time when only a “harlot woman” would where these type of clothing; Why? To advertises her business. So the question needs to be asked; what is the “Christian Woman” advertising when she wears the clothing of the “harlot woman?” Someone once said: “The outside appearance is an index to the heart.” Is that statement; true or false? The bible tells us: For as {woman or man} thinketh in his {or her} heart, so [is] he {or she} PROVERBS 23:7. Christian Women, if you are guilty, the time has come for you to, Repent. To the Women, who did-not know that GOD was not pleased with the way you “DRESSED” firstly let me apologize to you, on behalf of my Christian Sisters who conducted themselves in a way that was not right. Today, the lovely JESUS also invites you to Repent, before it’s a day to late, AMEN! And if you’ll choose not to repent, then you will hear these sad words from the mouth of JESUS one day: “She that is unjust, let her be unjust still: and she who is filthy, let her be filthy still.” Today, the choice is yours; why not choose eternal-life, Today?
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