Last week we were asked: Why did we see People from all walks of life Bowing Down worshipping, Pope John Paul ll: Was He God? By now, all of the Ministers of the Gospel should have told you No. If they didn’t, they’re still apart of the: “DUMB DOGS” that “CANNOT UNDERSTAND” according to ISAIAH 56:9-12. This world, in which we live, is a Theater, and We are the Actors. The Question Is: are we Actors, for God of this World, or the GOD of Heaven? There’s no Middle Ground. This Roman Papacy system Represent Church and State. And was always headed by a Pope. According to the Churches teaching, they believe the Apostle Peter was the first Pope, if this is true; where can a record of this be found? Surly not in the Bible. But there is an example left by Peter, the Pope’s should follow, when: “Cornelius met Peter, and fell down at Peter’s feet, and worshipped [Peter]. Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a Man”. ACTS 10:25, 26. Did JESUS Build HIS Church on Peter, Like the Papacy said? No way, JESUS Told us “Upon this ROCK I will build MY Church” MATTHEW 16:18. And The Apostle Paul tells us “That ROCK was CHRIST” 1 CORINTHIANS 10:4. They also believe that the Pope is God, and refer to Him as: “Lord God the Pope” But the Bible tells us this cannot be:“I [am] the LORD {GOD}: that [is] MY Name: and MY Glory will I not give to another” ISAIAH 42:8 Today JESUS is asking: “Shall [a] mortal {Pope} be more Just than GOD? Shall a {Pope} be more Pure than HIS Maker”? JOB 4:17. The Church teaches the Pope is Infallible and {can’t sin}; When the Bible is Clear: “For All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” ROMANS 3:23 The Papacy teaches: The Church is Above the Bible. One of the Leading Doctrines of Roman Papacy is, She see herself as the universal Church of Christ having supreme authority over Bishops and Pastors. There was a time when all Church’s would have spoken out on what took place at the Pope’s funeral. But today the Ministers are tight lip. Truly these Ministers are Deluded and “CANNOT UNDERSTAND”, That We Are Being Led Back To Catholicism.
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