We are living in a time when ‘GOD is looking’ for Ministers of the gospel who will not be ‘bought, or sold.’ Ministers who will stand alone, if need be. Ministers who will take their charge seriously, for their “charge… (is) …before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” 2 TIMOTHY 4:1. How many Ministers, like the apostle Paul can truly say they are: “Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with ‘many tears,’ and temptations…?” How many can say: “…I kept back nothing that was profitable [unto you], but have showed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house?” If there are any, then heaven can truly: “record this day, that..., (today’s Ministers are) …pure from the blood of ALL [men].” Then, and only then, can Ministers say, I: “…have not shun declaring unto (GOD’S children), ‘ALL the counsel of God.” If today’s Ministers have failed to do this, surly friends, they should be reminded of the words spoken by the apostle Paul when he said: “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to ‘ALL the flock,’ over which the ‘Holy Ghost hath made you overseers,’ to ‘FEED the church of God,’ which he (GOD) hath ‘purchased with his own blood.” For I know this, (says the apostle Paul) that after my departing shall ‘grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.” Truly friends, WE are living in that time! A time when there are many ‘grievous wolves’ who are certainly not ‘sparing the flock!’ How were they able to do this? By: “…speaking perverse things…” they then “…draw away disciples after them.” Being led by the Spirit of God Apostle Paul said: “…watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to ‘warn every one night and day with tears.” Then He said: I (Paul) have coveted no man's ‘silver, or gold, or apparel.” For you: “…yourselves know, that these ‘HANDS have ministered unto my necessities,’ and to THEM that were with ME.” What a powerful ‘HOLY SPIRIT REBUKE,’ to all those Ministers who have these ‘SO-CALL SOW-A-SEED’ ministries.’ But, there’s yet another REBUKE, for He said: “I (Paul) have showed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to ‘support the WEAK,’ and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, ‘It is more blessed to GIVE than to RECEIVE.” ACTS 20:18-38. Therefore, WE must be led by the Spirit of GOD! If not my friends, these ‘grievous wolves,’ which are many, will continue to lead US down a part, which brings damnation. Friends I tell you the truth, many are ‘following cunningly devised fables!’ Question; are you one of them? Well, there’s only one-way, that one won’t be apart of today’s fables, that’s if THEY are walking in the faith and truth of GOD’S word, then, they are safe! Have you ever heard the term, NLP? Yes; NLP! NLP stands for: “Neuro-linguistic programming.” NLP is a course offered to many Ministers, and those who sit in the leadership positions of the world. Many of today’s Ministers are using this to Hypnotize the members of their church. In fact, NLP is being used to mentally influence many. This technique is today being used by Pastors, Sale Persons, Politicians, Collage Professors, School Teachers and many others. Are you a NLP victim? Well, if you did something, and don’t know why you did it, such as giving moneys you don’t have, you may have bean Hypnotized by one who took the course. Could this be the reason why when one is shown from the word of GOD who’s on the LORD side and who’s not they don’t believe the word of GOD but their Minister. Some say, the Bible says: “Touch not (GOD’S) anointed, and do (HIS) prophets no harm” and they are right. PSALMS 105: 15. But, who are the anointed ones? “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, [even] thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” HEBREWS 1:9. Once again the Bible speaks directly by saying; those who ‘loved righteousness and hated iniquity’ they are the only ones who are anointed by GOD. Hence, “many will say to (GOD) in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU:’ depart from me, ye that ‘work iniquity.” MATTHEW 7:21-23 Sobering Words!
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