It’s Midnight! And suddenly, you are awakened, not by a burglar, for standing by your bedside it’s your only son and daughter, what’s the matter, you ask? And what are you kids doing up so late, don’t you’ll realizes what time it is? Yes! They reply. But, we can’t sleep! What’s the problem? Well, we were studying the book of Revelation together and we read: “And the third angel followed them, saying with a LOUD VOICE, If any ‘man WORSHIP the beast’ and ‘his image,’ and RECEIVE [his] ‘mark in his forehead,’ or ‘in his hand,’ The same shall ‘drink of the wine of the wrath of God,’ which is ‘poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation;’ and ‘he’ shall be ‘tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:’ And the smoke of THEIR ‘torment ascendeth up for ever and ever:’ and THEY (said the angel) ‘have no rest day nor night,’ who WORSHIP ‘the beast and his image,’ and WHOSOEVER ‘receiveth the mark of his name.” REVELATION 14:9-11. And the questions are; what is: “the beast’ and ‘his image?” And if we were to RECEIVE [his] ‘mark in (our) forehead or in (our) hand’ what kind of mark would it be? Plus, we have read and heard about ‘white wine and red wine,’ but never have heard about a wine called: “the wine of the wrath of God!” And if that wasn’t enough it’s going to be: ‘poured out without mixture into the CUP of his indignation.” And in the end, those who are found guilty of WORSHIPPING the ‘Beast and his image’ they will be: “tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.” Oh Kids, no need to fear! Don’t you’ll know that when those things take place we would be in heaven and only those who are “left behind” will have to worry about that? In fact, kids, our church preaches and teaches that the book of Revelation is a: “closed book.” A close book, shouted the kids. OH NO! For the Bible states that this book is: “The ‘Revelation of Jesus Christ,’ which God gave unto him, to ‘show unto his servants’ THINGS which must ‘shortly come to pass;’ and he SENT and ‘signified’ [it] by his angel unto his servant John.” REVELATION 1:1. Plus, the word Revelation means to: expose, disclose, enlighten and to reveal. So, how than can the church say it’s a ‘close book.’ Notwithstanding, the last chapter says: “And I John SAW these things, and HEARD [them]. And when I had HEARD and SEEN, I fell down to ‘WORSHIP before the feet of the angel’ which showed me these things. Then saith he (the angel, said) unto me (John,) See [thou do it] not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which KEEP the SAYINGS of THIS BOOK: WORSHIP GOD. And he saith unto me, SEAL NOT the SAYINGS of the PROPHECY of THIS BOOK: (why?) for the ‘time is at hand.” REVELATION 22:8-10. Hence, my sister and I believe that once the book of Revelation is studied: “Prayerfully and Spiritually” it will continue to be an: “eye opener” not only to US, but to ALL those, who take the time to: ‘STUDY IT!’ Nonetheless, there are many Pastors, Bible teachers, Parents, laymen, laywomen and School teachers who, 1. Believe it’s a close book. 2. It will not open until the church is rapture. 3. Those beasts which are mentioned in the book of Revelation are too scary to talk about. 4. The book is just too hard to understand. 5. Finally, if our Pastors can’t understand the book of Revelation, how can we! These are just a few of the many lies that are being put forth by Satan and his agents. Hence, God children are being left in a sad state of affairs, and they should be ashamed of themselves, but they can’t! Why? The: “…god of this world hath blinded (their) minds…” so-much-so-that, Bible prophecy is being fulfilled and many are: clueless! Nevertheless, recorded in the Holy Writ are the words: “Blessed [is] he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time [is] at hand.” REVELATION 1:3. Truly, my friend, “the time is at hand” but the Bahamas ‘Christian’ Council President and his ministerial colleagues same not to understand this. Now, they to, are bewilder just as the common sinner on the streets, by the killing, and the lifestyle of the homosexual, in the Bahamas, surly, the end is near. But no, they say, let’s just put more ‘this-and-that’ in place and THINGS will GET BETTER! I wonder, what Bible is it, that the pastors, are reading? Surly; it’s not the Bible! For Daniel wrote: “And he (the Lord) said: Go thy way, Daniel: for the WORDS [are] ‘closed up and sealed till the time of the end.’ Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but ‘the wicked SHALL DO wickedly:’ and NONE (how much my friend? NONE) of ‘the wicked SHALL understand;’ but ‘the WISE shall understand.” DANIEL 12:9, 10. But still, the ‘Christian’ Council President and his ministerial colleagues believe, this wickedness will soon go away, and it will get better. Well maybe whenever they call their next news conference it would be lovely, if they would tell the nation what is: The Mark of The Beast!
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