We are living in a time when the ‘STANDARDS of GOD,’ are being replaced by the ‘ISMS,’ of this world. Yes my friend, Feel-Good-ism, Taste-Good-ism, Sound-Good-ism, Smell-Good-ism and Look-Good-ism, has left us in a TAILSPIN! In other words; we are in a STATE of PANIC, GREAT CONFUSION and DISTRESS! Hence, we are floating in “A Cesspool of Sin!” “Therefore (said Isaiah) hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure…” ISAIAH 5:14. We are truly living in a most solemn time. But, we were forewarned! “For the time will come (says Apostle Paul) when they (when WE) will not ‘endure sound doctrine;’ but after (our) own lusts shall (WE) heap to (ourselves) teachers, having itching ears; And (WE) shall turn away [our] ears from the ‘truth,’ and shall be ‘turned unto fables.” 2 TIMOTHY 4:3, 4. Sobering words, for there was a time in earths history when Church, use to be Church! In fact, in those days, the Church and its members use to be in a state of Reverends! For all who came to the worship service knew that the: “LORD [was] in his holy temple: (and) all the earth (were to) keep silence before him.” All who attended the Church service knew they were to: “Keep (their) foot when (they went into) the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.” ECCLESIASTES 5:1. These principles are today a thing of the past, and because of this, Satan, working through the worldlings who has joined the Church are slowly transforming the church into likens of Satan. For this cause we where told to: “Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.” 1 TIMOTHY 5:22. Sadly though, the Church has rejected this council, and as a result of this, the Church and world statistics level are just about equal. How come friends? When recorded in the Holy-Writ we read: “Dearly beloved, I beseech [you] as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; having your ‘conversation honest among the Gentiles:’ that, whereas they ‘speak against you as evildoers,’ they may by [your] good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.” 1 PETER 2:11, 12. There is one area in which the church and the world, is running side by side, and it’s in the area of sexual-immorality. But, here again we were forewarned by the Apostle Paul, for he said: “The Children of Israel sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play and they to committed fornication, (said Paul) and in one day three and twenty thousand (2300) of them died, and these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.” 1 CORINTHIANS 10. But, there’s a sad reality taking place for that message has and is being rejected. In fact, the Nassau Guardian ran a story in its paper entitled “Birth control suggestion.” The story said: “In an effort to reduce the number of teenagers who become pregnant, prominent psychologist Dr David Allen suggested to the Church of God of Prophecy's annual convention that young girls be given birth control injections.” As I read the story I wondered, how many of the Church members present said, AMEN, to that suggestion made by the Doctor. For too many “babies are having babies” Dr Allen said. Why such a compromises? “Young girls (he said) 8 to 13 are getting pregnant, (so,) what about giving depot injection birth control until they are 18-years-old.” he offered. “This would give them a chance to finish school and get their lives started.” In other words, these BABIES, I call them, can have as much sex as they want too, without getting pregnant once they are given this ‘birth control injections.’ Friends, we are in trouble! What’s the cause of this? I tell you the truth, we as a people; have stepped away from the ‘OLD LAND MARKS!’ No wonder; the AIDS rate among the rank and file of our young boys and girls is so high. Today, our boys and girls need to be told how to: “Flee…youthful lusts…” 2 TIMOTHY 2:22. For God said: “Honour thy father and thy mother; (boys and girls) for, Whoso curseth his father or mother, ‘let him (or her) die the death.” MARK 7:10. The sad reality is our boys and girls are dying the death. Now ‘…the second death…’ is theirs. REVELATION 20:14. So let US teach our children how to study from CAUSE TO EFFECT! Show them that, if they violate the LAWS of their being, they must pay the penalty by suffering disease. For Life ‘ISMS,’ are held in check by ‘The Power God!’
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