This topic “So Many Voices” is one that should cause each of us to stop, and take a complete inventory of the voices we listen to each day of our-lives, and ask, are these Voices speaking words of darkness, or words of LIGHT? For David said: “Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a ‘light’ unto my path.” PSALMS 119:105. But sadly; with an over flow of Bibles, and churches on just about every street corner in the Nassau Bahamas, ‘light and darkness’ are still running, side-by-side, and truly-truly, this should tell US, WE are living, in the time of end! In fact, we are living in a time when the world and the church are calling: “…evil good, and good evil; (and) put darkness for light, and light for darkness…” ISAIAH 5:20. How sad! What is even sadder is this! Over 6000 years ago: “the LORD GOD commanded the man,” not to eat of “…the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…” “…for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” Said GOD! But did man listen? No friends, for it was not to long after the command was given, that Satan showed up in the form of a ‘serpent’ and said: “…unto the woman, ye shall not surely die…” GENESIS: 2&3. But have we learned anything? I don’t thing so! In fact, if we did, there is know way, Michelle Whitedove could have come to the Bahamas saying the things that she said. Based on her own words, and based on what she has posted on her web-site, she too believes the 6000 years old lie, which is: “the dead are not really dead!” But how can this be when the Bible says: “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.” Speaking about the dead the Bible also says: “their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they (the dead) any more a portion for ever in any [thing] that is done under the sun.” Why? For they are DEAD! ECCLESIASTES 9:5, 6. But on Friday, September 11, Whitedove was a guest of Mr. Jeff Lloyd, on his “Real Talk” radio show, and when questioned by Mr. Lloyd about the DEAD, Whitedove said: “But they (the dead) are not dead.” If you should go to her web-site, Michelle Whitedove says: for a fee of $350.00, she can give an hour session to anyone, who wants to know about their spouse, children, lover, parents, boss, best friend, or deceased loved ones! As a “Spirit-Medium” Michelle connects with souls on the other side. She gives us proof that our loved ones do survive the transition that we call Death” she said. But friends, how can Michelle Whitedove make such a clam? When the Bible is clear, those “dead know not any thing!” So, if our love ones are DEAD, and they cannot speak from the grave, who is it, that is speaking to Michelle Whitedove? I put it to you friends, it is the Devil himself! For he’s the one that said: “ye shall not surely die” when GOD said: “thou shalt surely die!” Who’s report; should WE believe friends, Satan’s or GOD’S? What makes this case so SAD is, with all these so-call Ministers of the gospel who lives in the Bahamas, NOT-ONE of them called the show to rebuke Michelle Whitedove! Could it be they believe the LIE also? What’s going on friends? Could it be that our Ministers: “…hearts (have become) overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life…” LUKE 21:34. Whitedove also said: “the soul is eternal.” Well, where is she getting this message from? Surly not from the Bible! For WE can read our Bibles from Genesis to Revelation, and WE will not find one Bible text saying that, “the soul of the man or woman are eternal!” How’s that? The Bible tells US: “God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man ‘became’ a ‘living soul.” GENESIS 2:7. Please note the chose of words used by the ‘creator’ of mankind, HE did not give man a SOUL, but man “became” A “living soul.” AMEN! Whitedove, also believes that David has already ascended to heaven! But the Bible said the: “patriarch David…is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day… and…David is not ascended into the heavens” ACTS 2:29,34. The time has come; for US to Study Our Bibles!
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