Don't copy the behaviors of the world,
(And sometimes that of the church),
but let God transform you into a new
person by changing the way you think.
Then you will know what God wants you to do,
and you will know how good and pleasing
and perfect his will really is."
Romans 12:2 (New Living Translation)
While in rehab, I remember one day, asking the question, "Why me Lord?" The answer came back very quickly, "Why not you?" I had not fully lived according to God's will. Immediately the Holy Spirit showed me, after self examination, that I had defile this 'Body Temple', and had made it unfit, to be an example for God. If I was to help proclaim this message, in 'Beauty' and 'Truth', it was to be shown, both from within, and without. It was natural for me to share with everyone I had the opportunity, about Jesus, and His plan for mankind, including our diet. We are to live a life, Pleasing, Holy, and Acceptable to God. But, was I truly demonstrating that? I was tremendously overweight, even on a vegetarian diet. There were some changes to be made immediately. One thing was evident. "Not by power, nor by might, but by God's Spirit."Zech. 4:6
I had done it, in my power, and strength before, and God was not pleased. I was making an awful mess.
God saw my willingness to serve Him, and took drastic measures to get my full attention. He began to correct many wrongs, and bad habits in my life, that was destroying me, thus making me a bad witness. He is now re-creating me, so that I might be fully used of 'Him', and Him alone, and not self, or impulse.
We cannot allow ourselves to act from impulse. We should not follow inclinations, for our will and desires will constantly conflict with that of God's. There is a constant conflict with self. Like Paul the apostle, we must "Die daily" ICor. 15:31.
Therefore the Christian life is a constant warfare. It is by unceasing endeavor that we defeat Satan. New heights we must always be gaining, with stern, and persevering efforts. "I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me." Gal.2:20 (New living Translation.) This should be our theme.
Our lives should be a living testimony, that Jesus is the keeper of our souls, Pleasing, Holy and, Acceptable to God. So that when others see us, they would see, 'Truth' and 'Beauty'.
Should we come to the close of life with our work undone, it would be an eternal loss.
CONTACT KEFFIE A, AT:- keffieb@aol
P.O.BOX 656
ARP, TX 75750
PH. 903-565-4062
Postal address
P.O.BOX N8993