We are in the closing moments of this world, and I believe; “the final movements will be rapid ones.” For eleven weeks now, JESUS was asking the question, DRESSED, R U? And each week HE has lovingly sent us, the HOLY SPIRIT to: “reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment” when it came to our DRESS, and any other “sins” that we may stand guilty of. JOHN 16:8. But still, there are some Pastors, Bishops, Elders, “Revs,” “Fathers,” Prophets, Prophetess, Deacons, and Church leaders who say; LORD, I don’t “see” anything wrong with “ME,” or, the “members” of your church, and because of this, today, things continue as if it is “business as usual.” What’s the reason for this; you may ask? They say: “{we are} rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing;” not knowing that they are: “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked…” What’s the reason for this? GOD said they are: “lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,” And HE, GOD, have: “spewed {them} out of {HIS} mouth. REVELATION 3:17, 16. Why has GOD spewed them out, you ask? It is because they have rejected GOD’S: “counsel to buy of HIM gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and [that] the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest “see.” REVELATION 3:18. Friends, this is the reason why, so many Religious leaders and their Wives, Christian men and women, and their children, are conducting themselves in a worldly manner, doing things which are pleasing to Satan, and not to GOD. For this cause it’s very fashionable today, for “Christian” men and woman to wear their ear rings, chains, bracelets, ornaments of the legs, wedding rings, low cut blouse, low cut dress, high splits, short dress, short shirt, short pants, belly out, tight fitting clothes or see through clothes, to church, and yes, “Christian” too, wear their Immodest swimwear when there’s a beach party put together by the church. Could it be; the SPIRIT of GOD’S has left most of the individual members, of the churches today? When we see Women, singing: “all to JESUS I surrender” in the HOLY pulpit of GOD, with all the cleavage of their breast showing, and high splits almost up to their hip! The question needs to be asked; have they truly surrendered-all? And to top it off, they are holding up; what should-be “holy hands!” Then there are young men who are singing “would you be free from the burden of sin? There’s power in the blood” standing in the HOLY pulpit of GOD, with their pants hinging down to their hips, and ear rings hinging from their ears, who have not yet allowed the power of GOD, which they are singing about, to set them free, from sin! Then there are Pastors, who are being accused of having sex, with girls old enough to be their daughters. Pastors are also being accused of having sexual relationship with other men wives. Then there are wives who have walked away from their “Pastor husband” for having sexual relationships with other men. Then there’s wide-ranging coveting going on in churches today were Christians want somebody else’s property, and the desire for this is so strong that they willing to tear-down both heaven and hell to get it, and this is all through the rank and file of the Christian church today. When the bible is clear: “Thou shalt not covet…” EXODUS 20:17. Yet, they testify that they are holding on to Christian beliefs and values! But this to, the bible condemns, for the bible tells us: “Thou shalt not bear false witness…” EXODUS 20:16. What’s causing this; you ask? We have been sowing the world wind, and now, we are reaping the world wind. Now Church leaders and their members are “sickly; and ready to die!” Because; JESUS is no longer: “our center of attraction!” Our watchwords used to be: watch, pray and work. But they have been replaced with; Worldly compromise! And; Worldly conformity! GOD; help US!!!
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