As I WATCH, READ and HEAR of some of the things taking place in our land and the world over, I’m sure that ‘Bible Prophesy’ is being fulfilled. But, our journey “From Earth; to Heaven” cannot take place until all has been fulfilled. Therefore, these fast-fulfilling signs such as knowledge increasing, false Christ’s, wars and rumours of wars, famines, pestilences (AIDS,) earthquakes, signs and wonders, false prophets, men's hearts failing them for fear, many having a form of godliness, scoffers, the gospel being preached into all the world, declare, the coming of Christ is near at hand. Hence, Jesus said: “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” LUKE 21:28. But, there are many among us who see these predictions taking place, and they are ‘truly troubled,’ but, to such a one Jesus say: “see that ye be not ‘troubled:’ for all [these things] must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” And: “All these [are] the beginning of sorrows. And because iniquity (is abounding,) the ‘love of many (are) waxing cold.’ But, he (or she) that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” MATTHEW 24:6, 8, 12, 13. We, (the Bahamas) are in the political season, and there are many among us who believe that if the right Government is in power, then they can reverse the predictions which are recorded in the Holy Writ. Even if it take’s, ‘legislating morality.’ So, on April 16, a coalition of local pastors made it known that they have 12 questions regarding ‘morality’ they want all political candidates to answer. But, based on the authority of the Word of God, even if, they were to answer all of the questions correctly “it will, get worse.” Friends, I say without contradiction that our Pastors, stand guilty of causing most of the ‘moral decay,’ which is taking place in our land. “For the leaders of this people (says Prophet Isaiah) cause [them] to err (SIN); and [they that are] led of them [are] destroyed.” ISAIAH 9:16. “The priests said not, Where [is] the LORD? And they that handle the ‘LAW knew me not:’ the ‘pastors also TRANSGRESSED against me,’ and the ‘prophets prophesied by BAAL,’ and walked after [things that] do not profit.” JEREMIAH 2:8. Yes friends, the days of the Prophet Isaiah and Jeremiah are being repeated. For long before God created this world; He had a “Moral Standard” which is, ‘The Ten Commandments.’ But SADLY, MANY of these Pastors who are asking the questions are also guilty of breaking ‘God’s Moral Code, The Ten Commandments!’ They are pastors Lyall Bethel, Cedric Moss, Deanza Cunningham, Gil Maycock, Jay Simms, Myles Munroe, Perry Wallace, Richard Pinder, Shelton Beneby, Vaughn Cash, Tom Roberts, Andy Knowles and Allan Lee. “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” NO friends! AMOS 3:3. In fact, if you were to give all of these pastors listed 12 questions on moral issues, they too, would not be on one accord. In fact, Pastor Allan Lee is on the record saying because of the new covenant: “all days are now holy” there are: “no more restrictive Sabbath laws.” he said. Friends: is Pastor Lee calling the late, Pope John Paul II a liar? For in his apostolic letter ‘On keep the Lord’s Day Holy’ he wrote: “…We (the Roman Catholic Church) move from the “Sabbath” to the “first day (Sunday) after the Sabbath”, from the ‘seventh day’ to the ‘first day’…” He stated. Who’s lying friends, John Paul II or Pastor Lee. Pastor Myles Munroe said: “I have a problem with the people today who are preaching and prophesying that we are in the “last days” and that the second coming of Jesus is right around the corner” he said. Friends, are the Pastors listed above of the same mind-set? Well, if Pastor Lee believes the song he plays at the beginning and the end of his weekly radio program, I’m sure he doesn’t agree with that statement. Sexual Offences, is one of the questions, political candidates are being asked to answer. It says: “I am in favour of returning the age of consent to 18. I am in favour in leaving the age of consent at 16. Other. Please explain.” Friends, what is the age for Sexual consent? Marriage! I thought so! So, what spirit was it that led these pastors to fall in to this trap? “It is good for a ‘man not to touch a woman.’ Nevertheless, (says Paul) to avoid fornication (adultery,) let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” 1 CORINTHIANS 7:1-3. There’s no law on earth that can change God’s Law! None! Am I your enemy, because I tell you the truth? I hope not! For, WE are nearing home!
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