“But ‘sanctify’ the ‘Lord God in your hearts:’ (said Peter,) and ‘[be] ready always’ to [give] an ‘answer to every man’ that ‘asketh you’ a ‘reason of the hope that is IN YOU with meekness and fear.” 1 PETER 3:15. Based on the words spoken by Peter, one should ‘always’ be in the position to give an answer for his or her faith, if asked? If not, the apostle Peter penned words which cannot be fulfilled, in our lives. Let the truth be told, if we cannot give an answer for the things we do and say, it’s because, we are spending our time with those things which are-not pertaining to ‘eternal life!’ And we can rest-assured, that we are not ready to fly “From Earth; to Heaven!” For only those who are living by “…every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” will be saved. Sobering! Is it not? No wonder, recorded in the Holy Writ are the words: “Sanctify THEM’ through thy ‘truth:’ thy word (that’s God’s word) is ‘truth.’ As thou hast sent me (Jesus) into the world, even so have I (Jesus) also sent ‘THEM’ into the world. And for their sakes I ‘sanctify myself,’ that ‘THEY’ (that’s you and I) also might be ‘sanctified through the truth.” JOHN 17:17-19. Again, the question is asked; has the Sanctifying power of God word taken root in our hearts? For without ‘IT,’ we aren't going anywhere, my friend! As a matter of fact, the Christian world is in big dispute on how this world will come to an-end. There are some who believe: “only 144.000 people will go to heaven.” Some believe: “all those who believe in Jesus, will go to heaven; just believe” they say. Others say: “no-one will go to heaven, for Jesus will come soon and rule over us all.” Some teach: “there is no-hell!” and “there is no-heaven!” Last but not least, is the one which has taken the ‘world’ and the ‘Christian church’ like a world-wind; I speak about the “Left Behind” series. Which can now be found in Video games, Movies and Books? The “Left Behind” books began selling in mainstream stores around 1999, and to date (7/7/07), the “Left Behind” books have sold more than 43 million copies, mostly in the United States. There are a number of famous quotes from these many books which were sold. One out of the many reads: “In one chaotic moment, millions of people around the world suddenly disappear leaving their clothes, wedding rings, eye glasses and shoes in crumpled piles. Mass confusion hits while vehicles suddenly unmanned veer out of control, fires erupt and hysteria breaks out as the living stare in disbelief and fear at the empty places where their loved ones were just seconds before.” In the book “Left Behind II” it says: “It's a week after the rapture and the millions of people who disappeared into thin air are still missing. Chaos rules the world as panic and grief stricken survivors continue to search for their lost loved-ones. Suicide rates are sky-rocketing, businesses and homes are being looted, and martial law is in effect.” These Video games, Movies and Books have left many in a state of confusion. So much so that, even ‘pastors’ who once use to believe what the Bible teaches and says about the ‘end of the world’ no-longer believes in what the Bible says anymore. How sad! Oh, and they (pastors) are not alone! For many of their church member believe likewise. Friends, make no-mistake about it, Jesus cannot come today… why? Because, there are still a few more Bible prophesies left to be fulfilled. Namely, ‘The 7 Last Plague, A world wide National Sunday Law, the Man of Sin fully exposed, the Great Tribulation and the Mark of the Beast’ etc. But, let me ‘quickly say’ that, this does not mean that we can play around with SIN, because Jesus cannot come today. For even now, the heavenly host is deciding who will be ‘saved’ and who will be ‘lost.’ For the Bible says: “…the hour of his JUDGMENT ‘IS’ COME…” follow by: “…behold, I (Jesus) come quickly; and my reward [is] with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” REVELATION 14:7; 22:12. Yes friends, when Jesus returns the judgment will be over, not starting, but over! So, based on that fact, Peter wrote: Therefore, “…brethren, give diligence to ‘make your calling and election sure:’ for if WE do these things, WE shall never fall (SIN.)” 2 PETER 1:10. “Verily I (Jesus) say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” MATTHEW 24:34. If WE would be a saint in heaven, WE must first be a saint on earth. The traits of character WE cherish in life will not be changed by death or by the resurrection. Hence, WE will come up from the grave with the same mind-set WE manifested in OUR home and in society. Neither, will Jesus change our ‘characters’ at His second coming. Therefore, Transformation, must take place here; and NOW!
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