On May 1, 2007, President George W. Bush said: “General Petraeus called al Qaeda “probably public enemy number one” in Iraq. Friends, is that true? I dare not say yes. For I can say without fear of contradiction, that al Qaeda is not, “probably public enemy number one.” For, “Public enemy number one’ is the same the world over, and it has been pledging the world for over 6000 years now! What is it? “IT’S… SIN!” And sin will continue to be, ‘Public enemy number ONE,’ right up too the day when Jesus will put an-end to SIN, and SINNERS, at the end of days! Truly, WE are living in a time when ‘SIN’ is being ‘glorified,’ and ‘up-lifted,’ and as a result the world is in trouble. Hence, terrorists and extremists continue to unleash horrific acts of violence, but, they are not the only ones for many so-call Christians and those who do not profess Christianity, are causing trouble also. In fact, this is the age; when church members can commit ‘SIN’ and few Pastors stand ready to rebuke the SINS, which are being committed by their ‘church members!’ What’s the problem? It is no-longer popular, to rebuke ‘SIN’ in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence, transgressors of God’s ‘LAW’ are running rampant throughout our land and the world over. What is even more mind boggling is this, those who transgress the ‘LAW,’ are the ones who make the news for doing this-and-that, and yes; they are well loved, well respected and honored as being the great ones among us, by the world and the church. ‘SIN,’ say they, is no-longer ‘SIN!’ Based on their actions; “Sin does not appear to be exceedingly sinful to them, anymore.” Nevertheless, these so-call Christians are ‘trying’ to sanctify themselves, and purify themselves. Thus, many are on the record saying, Jesus PAID IT ALL! Therefore, I am FREE, FREE to live as I please. By the way, ‘ONLY JESUS; WAS PERFECT’ they say. “For ALL (they continue) have sinned....” ROMANS 3:23. Even Jesus, backs US up on this, for He said: “…He that is without SIN among you, let him first cast a stone.” JOHN 8:7. Further more, even the apostle Paul says: “…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” ACTS 16:31. Hence, only BELIEVE, and it will be well with us, and our children, they say. But what these dear ones seem to forget is this, even: “…the devils also BELIEVE, and TREMBLE.” JAMES 2:19. And these devils, and all those who are following their lead will soon be no-more. For “…the devil that great deceiver who deceiveth the whole world and those Christians who say only BELIEVE, will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, for theirs were a ‘superficial’ belief. As a result, these SUPERFICIAL BELIEVES would have been hooked on false theories, and in the end will be found among the surface readers, who were anchored nowhere! Today, these so-call Christians are like shifting sand, wherefore they now find themselves sliding into airy position that suits their evil tendencies and feelings. Now, “…God’s strong delusion is resting upon them, for they have rejected the truth, and now, they believe a lie. Therefore, they fail to realize that soon SIN and SINNERS will find themselves in hells fire, “…which will be prepared for the devil and his angels.” MATTHEW 25:41. This doctrine, the doctrine of only BELIEVE is of a selfish nature! For many want ‘Eternal Life’ without a cross. In other words; “Jesus must bear the cross alone!” “Then, the entire world can go free!” But this is a NO-NO; my friend, He will not, He can not, He must not; bear the cross alone! For Jesus puts it this way, when: “…he said to [them] all, If any [man] (or woman) will come after me, let him (or her) deny (themselves,) and take up his (or her) ‘cross daily,’ and ‘follow me.’ For whosoever will save his (or her) life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his (or her) life for my sake, the same shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gains the whole world, and loses himself, or be cast away? LUKE 9:23-25. What sobering words! So, are WE ‘ready to take up’ our “cross daily, and follow Jesus?” Because, “Blessed [are] the meek: for they (that’s YOU and I) shall inherit the earth.” MATTHEW 5:5. Therefore, it’s my prayer that WE are found faithful, at the end of days. For Soon, the words: “Well done, (thou) good and faithful servant; will become a reality and only thou who were faithful over a few things, will God make ruler over many things: and will be able to enter into, the joy of our Lord. Hence, when God says to you and I WELL DONE: it means “YOU and I have DONE WELL,” for He alone knows that WE have overcome SIN and spiritual slothfulness, BY and THROUGH THE POWER of GOD “WORKING IN US” BOTH to ‘WILL’ AND to ‘DO’ of HIS GOOD PLEASURE!!!
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