As we continue to look at the sad, but true saga of “The False Prophets, In the World,” I wonder; if we as a people realize how serious this topic truly is? Serious because you my friend, maybe one, who is being led, or maybe following one of our today’s ‘False prophets, or prophetess.’ As I continue to investigate the many voices that are out there by way of the internet, TV, radio and the news paper, I’m amazed; of how many Ministers are leading a double life, by trying to mix’s “Light and Darkness!” The sad realty is; THEY are not alone! But; can light and darkness mix? NO Friends. For: “No man (says Jesus) can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” MATTHEW 6:24. There’s one thing these ‘False prophets, and prophetess’ have in common, and that is this, the ‘love of this world’ is high on their agenda. Also on their agenda are messages filled with love, peace and safety, name-it and claim-it, and messages which are voided of a life free from ‘SIN!’ Last but not least, ‘THEY LOVE MONEY!’ Hence; there’s a new terminology being sounded all through the rank-in-file of most of our churches today. Its call: “SOW-A-SEED!” Therefore, base on the lifestyle of these sow-a-seed ministries, God’s children have indeed been sowing, and it isn’t corn seeds either, but MONEY-MONEY-MONEY! As a result; GOD’S children are being robbed, not by men and women with a mask and a gun, but with words sweeter than honey. In fact; listed among some of the world most famous ‘Millionaires,’ are ministers of the gospel. Better knows as ‘Business Preachers.’ But how can this be? When Jesus said: “Lay not up for yourselves ‘treasures upon earth,’ where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But ‘lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,’ where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your ‘treasure’ is, there will your ‘heart’ be also.” MATTHEW 6:19-21. Someone once said: “Christianity began as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When it went to Athens, it became a philosophy. When it went to Rome, it became an organization. When it went to Europe, it became a culture. ‘But, when it came to America, it became a business.” Truly the our Bahamian Ministers are walking in the same pathway. Surly my friends, if you are one who watches the American Christian TV networks, most of these ministires are more about MONEY, than teaching God’s children the “Truths which are found; in the Bible!” For example, about two weeks ago, a friend and I was sitting down watching one of these so-call christian TV stations, and like I said before they weren’t preaching, but, asking for MONEY. That’s right, it was a ‘sow-a-seed-telethon.’ It was Minister Mike Murdock, as I watched I was heart broken as Minister Murdock and his co-minister pleaded with those watching to sow-a-seed, then sit-back He said, and watch God bless. Then, in the midst of his pleading, Murdock pulled up his coat sleeve, and showed-off his ‘$25.000 Rolex watch.’ Friends, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing nor hearing, here was a man, no, a minister of the suppose to be gospel, wearing a ‘$25.000 Rolex watch’ asking, or should I say begging God’s children to give more, and more, money. Surly my friends, the police should have walked on the set and locked him up. After watching this program I said this has to be a joke, this can’t be real. So, I did some research on Mike Murdock, which left me saying, it’s watchmen like these which the Prophet Isaiah wrote about, when he penned the words, these: “greedy dogs [which] can never have enough,’ and they [are] ‘shepherds [that] cannot understand:’ they ALL ‘look to their own way,’ every one for his gain, from his quarter.” ISAIAH 56:11. Next week we will continue to look at more of these “Ministerial birds” who “flock together!” Some have asked why I put the names of those who are doing wrong. Well, I’m not doing it because I think I am better than them, no-no! But for the grace God there GO I. These Pastors are in the public domain, and if they are doing things to lead God’s Children to eternal ruin, and I dare not stand idly by and say, it’s not my business. For ONE to-do-so, He or She is saying I’m not my ‘brother’s keeper!’
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