Today, we will continue to put the topic “The Liquor-Sellers” and “The Law-Makers,” under the ‘magnifying-glass’ of the SPIRIT of GOD, for without ‘IT,’ we will not be able to see, nor understand the danger and damage’s of which alcohol drinking has, and is causing! Friends, more than ever before WE need to follow the instructions given, by the SPIRIT of GOD; which says to each of US: “Let this mind be in you (and I,) which was also in Christ Jesus.” PHILIPPIANS 2:5. WHY? For the Bible says our: “carnal mind [is] enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” ROMANS 8:7. Friends, our ‘carnal mind’ better known as our ‘sinful nature’ is responsible for all of the ‘sinful things’ which are taking place in our Land, and the world-over! How’s that; you asks? The Bible tells US: “But every man (and woman) is tempted, when he (or she) is drawn away of his (or her) own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” JAMES 1:14, 15. This is why Friends, GOD calls US today to walk the way; HE did, with HIS mind and IN HIS POWER! No-wonder the devil is tempting GOD’S children day-in and day-out for whom HE died; to drink alcohol. For without the POWER of CHRIST, we will remain, POWERLESS! As a matter of fact our ‘carnal mind’ is completely out of control under the ‘influence of alcohol.’ “Woe, (says John the Revelator) to the inhibitors of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” REVELATION 12:12. But are WE studying, and paying attention, to what the word of GOD has to say? Just a few mouths ago it was reported in the “Daily Mail” that a, “Girl, 11, will be Britain’s youngest mother.” It was also reported that “the girl smokes 20 cigarettes a day despite being eight months’ pregnant.” How did this happen to this youngster? According to the story “she lost her virginity to a boy of 15 on a ‘DRUNKEN’ night out with friends.” But the sad, sad part of this story is what girl’s mother had to say. Her mom said: I’m not ‘ashamed’ of my daughter at all – in fact, I’m ‘proud’ of her for keeping the baby.” What a, every sad, commentary by this girl’s mother. Proud of her girl’s ‘SIN.’ Did not the mother read what the Bible had to say, about she said? When it said: “Let the proud be ashamed…” says David. PSALMS 119:78. Friends; I truly believe if this 11 years old girl wasn’t drinking alcohol, she would still have her virginity, today. I pray that, as the LORD JESUS Minister’s to her broken heart, she will give her young, but tender heart, to HIM. There’s yet another sad story that ran in one of our local Bahamian news papers just the other day; “where it is believed that one of our young men shot himself in his head, with a hand gun, while under the ‘influence of alcohol,’ he died, a few weeks later. Today, I’m sure that he is sadly missed, by his family members! Pray for them! An American Medical Association poll found 83 percent of college women and graduates said: “the vacation involves heavier-than-usual drinking.” Almost three-in-four said: “the trips yield increased sexual activity.” Yes friends, it is time for those who drink, to cry-out to the LORD for the power to overcome this addictive drug, called alcohol. Today, because of our sinful attitude; all of the world statistics; are on the rise. AIDS, teenage pregnancy, murders, suicides, divorces, sexual immorality, and a whole lot more. What’s going on friends? We have rejected the Manual; THE HOLY-BIBLE, and more sadly we have rejected, THE HOLY SPIRIT of GOD! “Love not the world, (says the Spirit of GOD) neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man (or woman) loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.” 1 JOHN 2:15-17. Yes Friends; the “lust of the flesh,” the “lust of the eyes,” and the “pride of life,” has taken this world over, like a flood! But still, JESUS is calling! Can’t you hear HIM, FRIENDS?
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