Today marks the 26th day into the New Year, and already, men woman boys and girls are asking? What will it take, to put an end, to crime? And the Voice comes back from the courts of heaven saying, there will be no peace, until the “KING of PEACE”. But you say, that’s not true, there must be something we can do. Are you saying? GOD is a liar. When JESUS was here, HE said: “because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold”. MATTHEW 24:12. The apostle Paul said: “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived”. 2 TIMOTHY 3:13. But most of us don’t want to stand on the sure word of GOD, but on the words of the Government, which say’s; if we are, or, if we were in power we can stamp out crime and there will be peace in our land. But the bible says: “when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them”. 1 THESSALONIANS 5:3. But although the Bible pens these words, Pastors and World Leader’s, are saying they can make it better. Now, Former Prime Minister Mr. Ingraham say’s, he: “Questions the ability of the prison boss” based on what took place at the prison. The leader of the (BDM) Mr. Cassius Stuart said: “the past two administrations (PLP & FNM) have failed our country because they didn’t address the insurgence of violent crimes” and now “crime is destroying our country while our government leaders sit back and do nothing”. The Assistant Commissioner Reginald Ferguson told the: “Tourism industry they must assist in the fight against crime”. Police Commissioner Paul Farquharson said: “capital punishment should be enforced”. Prison boss Dr.Elliston Rahming said, he will do all in his power to make the prison “Escape Proof”. Deputy Minister Cynthia Pratt said, we need a: “super maximum security prison” to stop prisoners from escaping. Even our Prime Minister, Mr. Perry Christie had to remind former Prime Minister Mr. Ingraham about what took place at the prison when he was Prime Minister. But these Leader’s above are not Pastors, and are placed in their positions by GOD, because the bible tells us: “GOD changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings” DANIEL 2:21. Leaders’ powers are given to them by God, but to be exercised only in harmony with the “divine law”. When leaders commanded that which is contrary to God's law, it becomes sin to obey. “The powers that be; are ordained of God” ROMANS 13:1, but we are not to obey Leaders when they go contrary to GOD’S LAW. The apostle Paul set forth the principle by which we should be governed. He says, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of CHRIST”. 1 CORINTHIANS 11:1. But do we want the “divine law”? Pastor Gary Curry said: “he believes in the death penalty, it’s biblical”. The sad part about his commentary is, he’s not the only pastor or person saying it’s now ok to break the commandment which says: “Thou shalt not kill” EXODUS 20:13. Pastor Gary Curry also said when you kill the person who has killed someone: “it will help what is happening in the country today” “death would be a deterrent”. Those words may sound good, but based on the bible that’s not true. Once again the word of GOD will speak to our hearts and not man. JESUS said: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened”. MATTHEWS 24:21, 22. So what are we to do? JESUS gives us the answer: “fear not them (says Jesus) which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” MATTHEWS 10:28. Until next week let’s remember: “Great peace have they which love God’s law: and nothing (how much? nothing) shall offend them”. PSALMS 119:165. So, why are you… so fearful? Why!!!
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